1st day of our 4 day weekend with the stated goals of winch currency, and GPC attainment. After a weather briefing by Ian, we spoke a little about the content of the GPC syllabus - most of the people present were sufficiently experienced to have covered all the items - they just need to fill in the form and put it before the training panel for ratification before sending off the the GFA with a photograph and $20. We discussed a few items that we thought may get missed in the normal course of training - for example steep turns and side-slipping, and a little about radio procedures.
Present were Harry and Wendy Medlicott, Garry Speight, John McLeod, Bob Emery, Dave Shorter Greg Nelson, Peter Shiels and later on Jay Anderson. Before getting the winch and gliders ready, we discussed how pilots launching would communicate with the winch if they wanted increased power, and settled on "Slower" if we wanted the winch driver to reduce power, and "more speed" if we wanted the driver to give more power.
In the event, I don't think anybody said anything while on the launch!!
As it was some time since I had driven the winch, I did that during the morning, with some guidance from Harry for the first one. I was relieved in the afternoon by John McLeod.
Garry flew with Greg Nelson and Bob Emery on the winch, John McLeod flew the Junior and soared for a time, and Wendy and Harry Medlicott both launched and got away - I heard talk of 6 knot thermals to 6000 ft!
Jay Anderson and Dave Shorter both launched their JS1s behind the tug, and had good soaring flights. We had one air experience passenger who took a winch launch with Garry.
Peter Shiels in the Junior was launched by John McLeod on the winch, and got 2000ft - probably the highest launch for the day, but most were getting at least 1500.
I wanted to get current myself, and took a launch with Bob Emery in the Grob 103 - we found some reasonable lift even though the sky had clouded over and soared for about half an hour. I then took the last launch solo in the Grob - first time I have flown it from the front seat for ages.
Winch Drivers view of the sky
A surprisingly good day's soaring, and winch launch day. Though out the day the winch was more often waiting for a glider to be ready rather than a glider waiting for the winch rope - but we could be more efficient if we practised more!