Wednesday, April 24, 2013

22 and 23 April Club activity

Hi everyone, I am filling in while Ian is on holiday for a week, so I thought I
d let you all know what is happening here.

Flew in on Monday morning in my Brumby, going really well since the heads he just been done up. No more sticking valves.

At 9am as I descended, the thermals were just starting to happen, but only to 1500 ft. There was a brisk westerly blowing up high.

The weather forecast indicated good soaring conditions, starting by 11 am.

Two pilots elected to try to do their Silver C flights- new member Peter Krygger and Bruce Paulson. Terry Petherbridge flew the Junior (first single seater flight) after a check in the morning, and soared for an hour then had to go home. Gerhard flew his Jantar, was quiet about where he went, but the OLC reveals a nice FAI triangle. Arie Van Spronsson is visiting again,and also did a good flight.

Peter Krygger did the silver c task, and also soared for the required five hours on his first solo xc glider flight. (he does have a bit of experience in much larger aircraft) Bruce Paulson landed his Jantar in a paddock, first real outlanding. The wind was quite strong and the into wind leg from Manilla to Gunnedah was challenging. However we had good cu, and heights to 10000ft!

I also had a good soaring flight with Bill Keats - but we stopped early to retrieve Bruce. There was a locked gate, and some initial difficulty with access, but we managed it in the end before it got too late.

Today, Tuesday was not as good a day as yesterday - blue and only to about 5000ft, but still some good soaring to be had. Peter Krygger did Manilla, Rangari, Gunnedah and back, but was the only one to go cross country. We posted his flight on OLC this evening, and he was leading the world! There was still a brisk westerly, but not as strong as yesterday. Allan Monroe had some good soaring in the Junior, and Bill Keats had a good soaring flight in IUR with me. I tried to stay quiet in the back seat, and he did a good job of soaring. Then I flew with Ben Newlands, a student pilot who has done some previous training with Ian - another good soaring flight. 

Looks like good weather for the rest of the week.

Jenny Ganderton