Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anzac Day by Jenny Ganderton

Despite the public holiday, Ian carried on as usual, there being no club instructor to relieve him! We had two trainees today, Bill, who flew yesterday as well, and Jim, who "hadn't flown for ages" but who after more severe interrogation admitted to being a Jet pilot.

Bill works for the ABC, and had a camera on his head, videoing his lessons. Ian says under no circumstances to tell John Clark about this! So don't tell him.

The weather was sunny with good cumulus, but rather a brisk westerly wind, and not particularly warm. The thermals had a habit of getting in the way of Ian's lessons on circuits. Both Bill and Jim had soaring flights, and we all brushed up on our cross wind landings.

The only club member who came out to fly was Bob Emery, but he didn't stay long.

There were people camped at the end of the runway by the lake - I wonder if they like airport noise?

12 launches today, a good day's towing and soaring. I am going home tomorrow, and Juho will be towing. Looks like being a good day with less wind than today.


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